Teaser Tuesday (The Billionaires Temptations Book 2) Read online

  Teaser Tuesday

  The Billionaires Temptations Series

  Annalise Wells



  Edited by

  Natasha Lind

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  Prologue: Ty

  Prologue: Cally

  1. Cally

  2. Ty

  3. Cally

  4. Ty

  5. Cally

  6. Ty

  7. Cally

  8. Ty

  9. Cally

  10. Ty

  11. Cally

  12. Ty

  13. Cally

  14. Ty

  15. Cally

  16. Ty

  17. Cally

  18. Ty

  19. Cally

  20. Ty

  21. Cally

  22. Ty

  23. Ty

  24. Cally

  25. Cally

  26. Ty

  27. Cally

  28. Ty

  29. Ty

  30. Ty

  Epilogue: Cally

  About the Author

  Prologue: Ty

  “Your body feels who you want.”

  I needed a break from everything. I was stressed and feeling like I needed to escape. My book “A Virgin for Me,” was supposed to be so fucken hot. I ordered it on Amazon and I opened up the page. Had to get away from reality for a while.

  “Chapter One: The Perfect Girl

  I watch her as she tucks herself into a tight corner as if trying to use the shadows as a blanket to hide from the public eye. From my eye. But I have already seen enough to know that I want more. She keeps her eyes on the floor as if studying the various intersections of lines that dance intricately with one another. Her eyes like the warmth of caramel swirling together with emerald dust. Finely sprinkled and moving over me. She had left such an impression that I only needed to see her eyes once to remember them.

  She glanced up timidly, allowing herself a brief moment of interaction with the outside world, but her gaze fell right before she noticed me. Would she look up again? Perhaps she’d seen me before and was unaffected by my existence.

  I blink my eyes rapidly to bring them into focus. How long had I been staring without blinking? Fuck, I need to get a grip on myself.


  The woman at the counter places a small cup of warm coffee on the table and the woman from the corner emerges to claim it.

  “Summer,” I mutter to myself.

  No get a grip, a name like that belongs to a lover of light and fun, adventure, and love, not tucked away in obscurities. She walks toward the door then hesitates. She turns back to the small table lined with a variety of coffee creamers and sugars. Vanilla, hazelnut, skim milk, soy milk, almond milk and the list continues. It’s literally enough to make a person go crazy. She stands in front of the table and stares on, gently twisting a strand of her strawberry blonde hair. She holds it into a tight loop around her finger before letting go. I watch her twist and release. Twist and release. Fuck I’m definitely staring again.

  My fingers ache with the need to go up to her and grasp her hair as I arch her head back. Then I could easily tickle her throat and jaw with my tongue. I can feel my face growing even hotter as I observe the way her button-down blouse pulls ever so slightly at the crest of her breasts. I continue down to the black skirt which hugs every beautiful curve she offers.

  Fuck. I need her.

  I feel the urge grow steadily and I know that I have to reach out to her in some way. I just have to.


  She quickly snaps her head in my direction and I am hit by this overwhelming desire to kiss her right here and now.

  “Yes?” she asks, quietly. “How do you know my name?”

  I point at the cup she is holding in her hand with her name printed in bold, black letters.

  “Oh,” she laughs quietly as if sighing with humor.

  “I was wondering if you needed help? It’s just, I noticed that you were. Well, you have been standing there for a little while.”

  “Oh, no. I’m fine.” She places the lid back onto her cup, “I was going to try something new, instead of the same black coffee I always get. But alas, there will be other days for venturing into unknown territory.”

  She lets out another laugh, but this time, it sends a tingling throughout my entire body from the tips of my toes to the hair standing on my head.

  She shifts her gaze uncertainly and I realize that I am staring at her.

  “Sorry,” I laugh, “I’m Paul. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “I’m Summer. Oh, right, you already knew that! I’m sorry, I just...” The words trail off the tip of her tongue, but her mouth remains slightly open as if saying more without sound.

  She’s nervous. Fuck she’s hot.

  “Anyways, I should probably get going,” she says plainly.

  “Paul?” I watch as the woman behind the counter places my drink down.

  I turn back to Summer to invite her to stay and talk with me, but she has already walked outside.

  “Wait, Summer!”

  She turns and looks at me and one thousand emotions run across her face. Uncertainty, fear, nervousness, but there is something else there as well. Something I can’t quite put my finger on.

  “Are you busy, now?”

  She hesitates, but finally replies with a slight shake of her head.

  “Would you like to take a walk with me?” Her lips turn up ever so slightly on the corners and she takes a few small steps toward me.

  “Today is a great day for venturing into the unknown, don’t you agree?”

  My coffee forgotten, we begin walking down the street. It isn’t unusually busy or quiet… just another day. We watch a pair of mothers suited up in yoga pants and sweatshirts pushing strollers at a quick speed. They
pass us before we cross to the other side of the street.

  “So, Summer,” I start, “what exciting things are you up to today, besides trying a new coffee creamer?”

  “Well, if you recall, I didn’t entirely succeed with that,” she smiles, “I’m not really the type of person to go off walking with complete strangers, so I suppose you could say that this is the exciting part of my day.”

  I consider this as we trail along the path lined with lush grass kept at a perfect height. It’s decorated with colorful flowers every few feet or so.

  “It’s a beautiful time of year.”

  She nods her head in agreement as she looks around the park, “Yes, spring is my favorite season.”

  “That’s ironic seeing as your name would indicate otherwise.”

  “Perhaps my folks should have gotten to know me better before they named me,” she leans down to grasp a delicate white flower. She takes in its perfume before offering it to me.

  “Stunning.” Only I am talking about her, not the flower.

  “Yes, it’s very beautiful.”

  “You mentioned your parents, do they live here as well?”

  “No, actually,” she stops walking. “What is that?”

  I follow her finger to where she is pointing and see an old pavilion-type building standing there, hiding beneath the shade of trees and overgrown brush. Summer finding something in me from the shadows yet again. I am turned on by the excitement of our spontaneous encounter. We walk closer to get a better look. To my surprise, she turns the handle to the door and it swings open easily.

  Walking inside, we find rows of wooden benches all facing a statue of a naked maiden holding a single flower in her hand. Just standing as though she is offering it to an unknown person who is no longer there.

  I watch Summer as she walks up to the statue and lets her fingers drift delicately over the curves of the woman’s body. Again, I can feel the urge rushing back to me, only this time we are alone.

  Taking a deep breath, I walk behind her and take her hand in mine. She looks at our entwined hands and then lets her gaze drift to my face. As if truly seeing me for the first time, I watch as she drinks in the rigid line of my jaw. And the curve of my lips which creeps up to my nose finally bringing her to my eyes.

  “They look like the sky,” she whispers, more to herself than to me.

  I turn her to face me. I gingerly walk my fingers up the soft side of her wrist all the way to the crease of her elbow, watching her intently. She doesn’t move, but I notice her breath becoming shallow. I place my hand on the back of her neck and lead her closer to me.

  The distance between us is like a thin film, hardly noticeable; it feels as though millions of neurons are passing from one body to the other. I bring my face nearer to hers and she lets out a small gasp when our lips finally touch. I put my other hand on the small of her back and press her body against mine, closing the infinitesimal gap. My tongue dances along her lips willing her to open up and invite me in. She responds and tugs at my bottom lip with her teeth. The urge presses on even more.

  She’s heavenly.


  “Sssh, you’re safe with me.”

  Her breath increases again.

  My hand trails up to the buttons on her blouse and one by one, I begin to undo the final separation between her and I. Her shirt falls to the floor revealing a soft, pink, lacy bra… cupping a pair of perfect breasts. I look on hungrily as my hand searches for the clasp.

  She pulls away and the moment stops. I freeze in place.

  I have gone too far too soon, I know it! I just want her so badly. I still do. From the rapid rise and fall of her chest, I am inclined to believe that she wants the same.

  She looks at me and says the words I have been dreading to hear, “I can’t do this!”

  “Okay,” I nod, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to go this far. I hope you know that I didn’t mean to offend you in any way.”

  “No, not at all,” she looks away, “I do want this to happen, trust me. If I hadn’t, it would not have gotten this far. It’s just, I can’t.”

  “I understand,” I say these words, but I don’t really believe them.

  If she wants this —if she wants me, then why stop?

  “It’s just,” she lets out a frustrated sigh.

  “What is it?” Her entire body is tense now and I can see her retreat back into the shadowy protection of her own mind.

  I can’t lose this moment with her. I walk up to her and put my hand on her waist delicately at first. When she doesn’t move away, I turn her to look at me.

  “What is it?” I ask again.

  “It’s just, I’ve never done this before.”

  Fuck, yes! Public sex first-timer. Oh, dear God, yeah!

  “Well, I can’t honestly say that it’s a ritual of mine either, to get to this point with a person I just met over coffee.”

  “Um, it’s not that,” she whispers, “I’m a virgin.” The last word is barely audible, but I know what she said.

  I can now see the innocence in her eyes and I understand.

  Fuck… a virgin! Heaven sent.


  Without thinking, I take my hand from her waist. She looks at the place where my hand had been and then back at me. Disbelief flashes across her face.

  “Yeah, so, I guess I should go then.” She leans down to pick up her shirt from the ground and keeps her face turned away from me as she slides each button into place.

  “Summer, I didn’t mean to…”

  “No, it’s okay, really. I get it. No one wants to really go there, so I’m just feeling pretty stupid to even have said anything about it to you.” Her voice snags on the last word.

  She turns to look at me and I can see tears dancing in her eyes, threatening to betray her and abandon their post.

  “It was really nice meeting you.”

  I watch as she heads for the door. This can’t be it, can it? Why am I so stupid? Just say something to her!

  “Summer, do you want to?”

  She stops but does not turn back, “Do I want to what?”

  But I don’t waste any more breath on words. I come up behind her and pull her hair to one side, snaking my tongue down the side of her neck leaving a trail. My other hand pulls up her skirt and my fingers slide in between the sweet curves of her thighs, finding their way between fabric and skin. I push them inside of her, softly at first. I’m reassured by the soft moans escaping from her lips; I become hungrier.

  “Should I stop?” I ask.

  She doesn’t reply with words but pushes down her panties all the way. I bend her forward so that her stomach rests on the top of the bench and she reaches out her arms in front of her to hold herself steady. I stand back for a moment, drinking her in. I go down on my knees and separate her with my tongue, desperately searching for the glorious part of her that will unleash all of her onto me. My tongue sinks inside and out. I can hear her abandoning all restraint, until finally, in that one moment, she lets go of everything.

  Fuck, I’m done for.”

  Wow, that was fucken hot as. What a sexy book. I feel my dick fully erect now. I want to masturbate myself in the shower and let all the tension go. I need to. It’s been a long while.

  I sit down after my nice, hot and steamy shower. I’d had a rough couple of weeks. I visited Tina’s club and had laid my eyes on Cally. She had instantly caught my attention. She was stunning; I found that her best friend Shona had become exclusive with Beau… my ultra-rich, billionaire brother. Everything he touched seemed to turn to gold. I had not been so lucky. I had to work for what I got, and it was a struggle. My life was definitely real in comparison.

  Yes, I had been rough with Cally, and I was ashamed. Beau had sent me to a prison, over the whole damn mess. The greedy prison warden was quite happy to take money from anyone. A couple of hundred grand was more than enough to get me released. Thank fuck for that.

  I don’t really hold any resentment
against Beau; he was doing the best for me at the time. I’d become an addict and my time away had helped me to become sober. I already had plans in place to become a force to be reckoned with. Beau had the business world tied up, and at the other end, Joseph had sealed his own area of expertise.

  I looked at the void in the middle. I was happy to be the middle man. It gave me elasticity in my operations. I was not tied to one thing so I could duck and dive… and go where the demand or where the money was.

  I just wanted to be successful. I was the third of three triplets, and it appeared, the magic that had been passed to them had been somewhat weakened by the time I finally decided to arrive.

  I could do it too; I would show them. They would be proud, I could feel it. They would soon know I was their equal.

  Cally would be the start of my rise, she made me feel good and brought out the best in me. I needed to put my mistake right, and I knew we could make a damn good go of it together. I knew good looks were not a problem. I was as rugged and good looking as Beau and Joseph. I was a bit of a bad boy in the bedroom. But generally, chicks liked that. We were in truth, identical triplets who between themselves could easily take over the city.

  I had closed myself off from the world, or at least the world that operated in daylight. And it was the night when I came alive, the night time was my calling.

  With the help of my newly acquired friends, we would control the night streets. We would be there watching. From the shadows, we would pounce and make our stance. The city wouldn't know what hit it. We would make history, and the stories would become a legend; they would all be true and not just rumors or myth.